Oct 30, 2023⭐️⭐️THE BOY AND THE HERONThe Boy and the Heron is an enigmatic swan song for Hayao Miyazaki: despite the dynamic animation and vibrant character designs the movie...
Oct 27, 2023⭐️⭐️THE KILLERThe Killer is as stylish a movie as you'd expect from David Fincher, and probably his most breezily entertaining effort since Panic Room,...
Oct 23, 2023⭐️⭐️KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOONA fascinating story of greed, violence and racism gets the epic treatment in Scorsese's latest but despite some striking images the film...
Oct 15, 2023⭐️THE EXORCIST: BELIEVERHaving ruined the Halloween franchise David Gordon Green does the same for another classic horror series in The Exorcist: Believer, a...
Oct 5, 2023⭐️⭐️THE CREATORFor a movie too heavy on religious metaphors and less smart than it continually thinks it is, The Creator still holds your attention for...