Apr 27⭐️THE FALL GUYThe Fall Guy gives stunt people their due credit, but with a needlessly convoluted script and a surprising lack of chemistry between...
Apr 27⭐️⭐️CIVIL WARThe premise and the title of Civil War hold more controversy (and potential) than the actual film, which is mostly a conventional...
Apr 20⭐️⭐️EVIL DOES NOT EXISTAfter an often tedious first hour something remarkable happens in Evil Does Not Exist: the film blossoms as a disturbing parable on the...
Apr 20⭐️WICKED LITTLE LETTERSWicked Little Letters dallies where it should pick up pace, skirts big themes where it should be addressing them head-on and contents...
Apr 13⭐️⭐️THE BOYS IN THE BOATSo old-fashioned that the uplifting message no longer gets across, The Boys in the Boat is comfort viewing for a lazy Sunday afternoon...
Apr 9⭐️⭐️ANYONE BUT YOUCoasting by on the palpable chemistry between leads Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney, Anyone But You isn’t quite a true romcom renaissance,...
Apr 70DRIVE-AWAY DOLLSDrive-Away Dolls is one of the oddest genre mash-ups I have ever seen: a barely watchable, unpleasant mix between an uninspired crime...
Apr 5⭐️⭐️THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETERDon’t expect a radical retelling of the Dracula myth in The Last Voyage of the Demeter but an old-school horror tale that would have...
Apr 4⭐️MONKEY MANIf John Wick were Indian he might look a lot like the lead character in Monkey Man but Dev Patel’s acting skills prove to be a much...