Aug 26⭐️⭐️LOVE LIES BLEEDINGAs stylish, suspenseful and exciting as Love Lies Bleeding builds towards the central crime, as laboriously and disappointing the...
Aug 25⭐️BLINK TWICEZoë Kravitz proves herself as a talented director in Blink Twice, which makes it even sadder that her debut film is a blunt, uninspired...
Aug 17⭐️⭐️JACKPOT!In essence an endless series of violently comedic action set-pieces, Jackpot! provides a wildly entertaining match-up between Awkwafina...
Aug 16⭐️ALIEN: ROMULUSAlien: Romulus effortlessly captures the aesthetics of the franchise but director Fede Alvarez riffs too much on fan favourite tropes,...
Aug 13⭐️⭐️TWISTERSIf you long for the slick yet grounded blockbusters of the nineties, Twisters is just the ticket for you: a well-made tale that mixes...
Aug 12⭐️IFA cutesy idea is hamstrung by thematic incoherence and narrative slog in IF, which emphasizes the redemptive power of childhood friends...
Aug 4⭐️TRAPWhile there are a couple of decent concepts in Trap, with definite potential for nail-biting suspense, M. Night Shyamalan half-asses them...