4 days ago⭐️⭐️STRANGE DARLINGA solid B-flick that isn’t nearly as twisty or innovative as it thinks it is, Strange Darling nevertheless delivers suitably pulpy...
6 days ago⭐️⭐️DAHOMEYThe return of 26 pieces of stolen art to Benin serves as an intriguing premise for Golden Bear winning doc Dahomey but the film fails to...
Sep 21⭐️⭐️⭐️TIME BANDITSTime Bandits isn’t just a fantastical adventure through time and space: Terry Gilliam fashions a fantastic, funny, visually formidable...
Sep 17⭐️HORIZON: AN AMERICAN SAGA - chapter 1A would-be epic that fails to sell its ambition and is narratively held back by the promise of three sequels, Horizon: an American Saga...
Sep 16⭐️⭐️ONLY THE RIVER FLOWSWhile the film excels in mood, Chinese murder mystery Only the River Flows is enigmatic to a fault and strands somewhere between a...
Sep 9⭐️⭐️FLOW (STRAUME)Wordless Latvian animated movie Flow is at its best when it lets the at times stunning visuals do the talking, yet it also exists in a...
Sep 7⭐️⭐️⭐️BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICEThe Juice is loose and Tim Burton is back on form in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, an energetic sequel that overcomes rushed plotting with an...
Sep 5⭐️KINDS OF KINDNESSAs far as movie anthologies go, Kinds of Kindness falls squarely in the weird category, and while there are a few intriguing ideas, they...
Sep 1⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️EMILIA PEREZA musical unlike any you’ll have seen, Emilia Pérez has a ballsy narrative, thematic ambition and visual delights, with a spellbinding...