Jul 20⭐️⭐️⭐️THE IRON CLAWA fascinating Greek tragedy that is elevated by excellent performances, The Iron Claw keeps you gripped for over two hours in a...
Jul 17⭐️⭐️FLY ME TO THE MOONAn old-fashioned approach to storytelling combines with a heavy dose of feminism in Fly Me to the Moon yet after a thoroughly enjoyable...
Jul 15⭐️MADAME WEBWhile far from the worst movie of the year, Madame Web is definitely one of the most pointless ones, or how else would you describe a...
Jul 14⭐️DESPICABLE ME 4Juggling an enormous amount of disparate plot strands and characters old and new, Despicable Me 4 feels more like an unwieldy, laborious...
Jul 120L'EMPIRE (THE EMPIRE)An incomprehensible Gallic comedy without a single joke that lands L’Empire cringingly blends sci-fi spoofs and social realism into a...
Jul 7⭐️⭐️THE BIKERIDERSNeither a testosterone-filled biker film nor a deconstruction of the genre from a female point of view, The Bikeriders is to be applauded...