Oct 28, 2021⭐️⭐️BLACK WIDOWCloser in spirit to a Jason Bourne film than to a Marvel flick, Black Widow is at its best when family dynamics takes centre stage,...
Oct 26, 20210HALLOWEEN KILLSThe franchise that seemingly cannot be killed basically commits suicide with this entry: there are no scares, no plot, no characters to...
Oct 23, 20210SNAKE EYESThe G.I. Joe movies were always not much more than violent cartoons, but Snake Eyes is not just bad and bland, it is inept on just about...
Oct 19, 2021⭐️VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGEIt’s an improvement on the atrocious first instalment but not by much, as sloppy editing, generic action and an annoying villain sap all...
Oct 14, 2021⭐️THE LAST DUELRidley Scott is incapable of making a visually gorgeous film, but when he has a script that fails to ignite and a mismatched cast, even...
Oct 13, 2021⭐️BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORNWinning Golden Bear in Berlin is in no way a guarantee for cinematic excellence, as this unfunny, perplexing and often outright bad...