Sep 22, 2021⭐️⭐️⭐️LEAN ON PETELean on Pete might rely on familiar dramatic tropes, but that doesn't prevent the film from packing an emotional wallop. Anchored by the...
Sep 18, 2021⭐️⭐️LUCAOf all the movies Pixar has made, Luca definitely feels the least like it had to be expanded to feature length. The picture has a...
Sep 16, 2021⭐️⭐️⭐️DUNE - PART ONEFor Denis Villeneuve's Dune to match my expectations was a near-impossible task. So the fact that in certain areas it exceeds my wildest...
Sep 14, 2021⭐️⭐️AMMONITEFrancis Lee’s follow-up to the wonderful God’s Own Country fails to elicit genuine affection for the two leads and thus leaves you cold,...
Sep 11, 2021⭐️ROOKIESlick visuals don’t distract from a severely underdeveloped script that unconvincingly heads towards a climax so ambiguous it falls flat...
Sep 9, 2021⭐️BENEDETTAOnce you get past the nun-on-nun action there are plenty of things to enjoy in Paul Verhoeven’s latest, but by that point the picture has...