Sep 28, 2023⭐️⭐️THE WONDERFUL STORY OF HENRY SUGARWes Anderson doubles down on every single one of his indulgent quirks in this Netflix short film adaptation of a Roald Dahl tale, yet...
May 4, 2022⭐️DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESSThe few times Sam Raimi brings tangible reality to the CGI overload are the only instances this meek Marvel film comes alive. The return...
Jan 25, 2022⭐️⭐️THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAINOn the surface the movie looks like a traditional biopic, but in the end the oddness and quaintness win out. I had never heard of Louis...
Dec 1, 2021⭐️⭐️THE POWER OF THE DOGIndividual scenes brim with tension and understated emotions yet they often feel strangely detached from the main narrative. Make no...