Jan 30, 2023⭐️⭐️TÁRA brilliant Cate Blanchett performance aside, Tár is a movie that delights, puzzles and frustrates in equal measures. With Tár, his first...
Dec 19, 2022⭐️⭐️GUILLERMO DEL TORO'S PINOCCHIOYou'd be hard-pressed to call Pinocchio a bad film, but it's a lot closer to a let-down than it is to a triumph, partly because Guillermo...
Jan 24, 2022⭐️NIGHTMARE ALLEYThe film looks like a million bucks, but beyond the gloss lies a movie that’s emotionally hollow, bloated and self-indulgent. With...
Dec 27, 2021⭐️DON'T LOOK UPThe picture never finds the right tone of voice, struggles for wit and takes an awful long time to go from one story beat to the next. If...