Mar 25, 2023⭐️DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETSNever mind the fact that the film looks like a Saturday morning cartoon, even as an innocuous palate cleanser amid bigger superhero...
Oct 22, 2022⭐️BLACK ADAMEven the thing that is supposed to make the picture stand out - the fact that the title character isn't necessarily a good guy - falls...
Nov 29, 2021⭐️JUNGLE CRUISEA movie made by committee that is so derivative that even the charms of Dwayne Johnson or Emily Blunt are tossed aside. If you've ever...
Nov 14, 2021⭐️⭐️RED NOTICEThe movie does exactly what is says on the tin and thanks to a game cast there is nothing wrong with that. Does Red Notice re-invent the...