Jun 30, 2023⭐️⭐️INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINYThe fifth Indy film gives Harrison Ford’s iconic archeologist a decent send-off, with a fun dose of old-school adventure, even if it...
May 21, 2023⭐️⭐️⭐️TETRISIt’s hard to believe that everything that happens in Tetris more or less occurred, which hinders the film to some extent but doesn’t make...
Mar 13, 2023⭐️EMPIRE OF LIGHTEmpire of Light doesn’t know what kind of movie it wants to be and on the few instances it does start to get interesting, a cliché script...
Jan 9, 2023⭐️THE PALE BLUE EYEThe Pale Blue Eye never comes within touching distance of the tales Edgar Allan Poe built his reputation upon, as the mystery gets more...
Jan 25, 2022⭐️⭐️THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAINOn the surface the movie looks like a traditional biopic, but in the end the oddness and quaintness win out. I had never heard of Louis...