Mass is a riveting and thought-provoking drama, mostly due to the four main actors, who all deliver performances worthy of the highest awards.
For most of its nearly 2-hour runtime Mass is four people, sitting in a room, talking. Nothing more. Just that. And yet the film elicits emotions much grander than all the cinematic manipulation in the world could buy.
Much of this is due to the four main actors, who all deliver performances worthy of the highest awards. Jason Isaacs is magnificent as a dad who cannot comprehend why his child had to die. Ann Dowd and Reed Birney make you truly care for the conflicting emotions troubling parents of a son who caused unspeakable harm. And then there is Martha Plimpton, a quiet presence throughout most of Mass until she unleashes a powerful acting masterclass in one crucial scene.
Mass is riveting, thought-provoking and a sobering reminder that sometimes all the answers in the world cannot atone for lingering pain and hurt. The film is not without flaws though.
Fran Kranz' direction is often distracting and lacks a clear purpose, while the picture drags on some 15 minutes beyond its natural conclusion. Still, the powerful emotions remain.
release: 2021
director: Fran Kranz
starring: Jason Isaacs, Martha Plimpton, Reed Birney, Ann Dowd