The positives outweigh the negatives in Strange World, which always keeps you entertained with easily relatable characters, fun action sequences and some of the most inventive, colourful designs of the cinematic year.

Disney’s Strange World has some of the most fun, inventive, colourful designs of the year. Then again, the movie also uses a plot straight from a screenplay manual and builds towards a climax that is as predictable and moralistic as they come.
So there are good and bad things to be found in this fantastical tale about a man who goes in search of a solution for his town’s energy problem and finds his long-missing dad in the process.
Luckily the positives outweigh the negatives as Strange World always keeps you entertained with easily relatable characters, fun action sequences and a thematic connective tissue that despite its familiarity and predictability remains timely and on the nose.
Kudos as well to the team behind the film for effortlessly creating the most inclusive, diverse animated Disney film in the company’s 100 year history, without needlessly hitting you over the head with it. In short: Strange World might not re-invent the wheel, it still takes important steps forward in areas that matter.
release: 2022
director: Don Hall, Qui Nguyen
starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Jaboukie Young-White, Gabrielle Union, Dennis Quaid, Lucy Liu