Nov 25⭐️⭐️MY OLD ASSEven though the premise of My Old Ass doesn’t do much new with the concept of a young girl being contacted by her older self, the actors...
Aug 17⭐️⭐️JACKPOT!In essence an endless series of violently comedic action set-pieces, Jackpot! provides a wildly entertaining match-up between Awkwafina...
Dec 22, 2023⭐️SALTBURNEmerald Fennell doubles down on the many flaws of her first feature in Saltburn, a maddeningly incoherent, needlessly shocking, toothless...
Dec 13, 2023⭐️⭐️BOTTOMSYou wouldn’t think that combining Fight Club with a teen comedy could ever work but during stretches of Bottoms it actually does, even if...
Nov 5, 2022⭐️MY POLICEMANUnfortunately the movie spells out the entire backstory in fifties flashbacks that are bland, overwrought and rely too much on the acting...
Oct 14, 2022⭐️CATHERINE CALLED BIRDYEven if Lena Dunham had opened up the tale to a broader audience, the plot is too predictable, many characters are drawn woefully thin...
Aug 9, 2022⭐️THIRTEEN LIVESWhat should have been an emotional slam dunk becomes a perfunctory, overlong docudrama which oddly fails to engage you at any point. The...
Jan 10, 2022⭐️THE TENDER BARDespite the many big names in cast and crew, The Tender Bar barely uses a compelling visual language to tell its bland story. You cannot...
Dec 29, 2021⭐️⭐️BEING THE RICARDOSAaron Sorkin's Lucy Ball and Desi Arnaz biopic nevers gives you the feeling you are there, on the soundstages where it all happened. In a...