Feb 18⭐️FERRARIMichael Mann’s long in the works passion project Ferrari ultimately amounts to a rote biopic, devoid of a compelling atmosphere, that...
Jan 21, 2023⭐️⭐️L'IMMENSITAIn small, fleeting moments of childish mischief, first kisses and dinner table interaction L’immensitá is an immensely enjoyable slice of...
Sep 1, 2022⭐️OFFICIAL COMPETITIONThe movie has got a couple of laugh-out-loud moments, but I prefer my satires a bit less obvious and infinitely more biting. Ever since...
Dec 8, 2021⭐️PARALLEL MOTHERS (MADRES PARALELAS)The newest fillm by Spanish auteur Pedro Almodovar is essentially a filmed play that lays bare the flaws in the director's recent...