3 days ago⭐️⭐️MUSIC BY JOHN WILLIAMSWhile Music by John Williams gives an excellent overview of the life and work of the master of the modern movie score, the documentary...
5 days ago⭐️THE SUBSTANCEWhile there is the odd visual gross-out and a myriad of WTF scenes in The Substance the film contains no actual substance: the longer in,...
6 days ago⭐️⭐️JUROR #2If Juror # 2 turns out to be 94-year-old Clint Eastwood’s final film, he goes out on a safe and predictable note with a pleasing legal...
Nov 1⭐️⭐️LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVILThe genuinely unsettling, cleverly constructed and smartly ambiguous Late Night with the Devil is a great showcase for actor David...
Oct 30⭐️⭐️ANORAThis year’s Palme d’Or winner Anora contains small moments of well-observed humanity but makes the cardinal mistake of stretching the...
Oct 26⭐️VENOM: THE LAST DANCEWhile Venom: The Last Dance isn’t quite as loud and obnoxious as the previous two entries, the buddy movie dynamic fails to yield...