Nov 25, 2023⭐️⭐️NAPOLEONRidley Scott stages exciting epic battles in Napoleon but he fails to build a compelling movie around them, mostly because he sees the...
Nov 28, 2021⭐️HOUSE OF GUCCIRidley Scott makes a film so tedious that even the pantomime Italian accent of a stupendously bad Jared Leto fails to wake you up. In his...
Oct 14, 2021⭐️THE LAST DUELRidley Scott is incapable of making a visually gorgeous film, but when he has a script that fails to ignite and a mismatched cast, even...
Apr 26, 2017⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ALIENThis is a movie that has shaped big-screen science-fiction more than any other film bar perhaps 2001: A Space Odyssey. In a career...